Kristen Drake (she/her)


Kristen has enjoyed a 20+ year career in a variety of medical research and regulatory affairs positions working at organizations such as the Cleveland Clinic, Baylor Research Institute, J&J, St. Jude, Flextronics, and others, directing the extensive international clinical trials in the fields of cardiovascular medicine, neurology and neurosurgery. She has spent the bulk of her career studying new treatments for neurological disorders such as Parkinsons, Essential Tremor, dyskinesia, OCD, depression, and Alzheimer's, among others.

Growing up in the woods of northern Michigan, she has always known a life out of doors. Fostered originally by her parents who instilled a passion for travel and exploration; taking family vacations focused on togetherness and communion, securing an appreciation and respect for nature is at the foundational core of her personality. Her fondest memories are of family trips hiking and exploring the ancient native Indian caves and drawings of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, hiking, mountain climbing and horseback riding in northwestern Wyoming/the National Parks of the western U.S., and spelunking in the many caves of the central U.S. Kristen believes nature is the best healer and that nothing calms the soul and relaxes and rejuvenates the mind and body better than losing yourself on a hike in the woods or mountains (or wherever you may find yourself in nature). She feels most at home in the serenity of nature and seeks it out at every opportunity.

Kristen embraces the adventurous mindset as she has been blessed to have traveled to all 50 states, 4 continents and 39 countries (and counting!). Her expertise in the clinical aspects of neurological disorders combined with this love of nature fuels her passion for the work at Outdoor Mindset and feels this opportunity is an excellent expansion and outlet for her interests. Her favorite things are her rescue puppy dogs Ellie and Murphy who ensure she gets out of doors on the daily.