NEW OM Online Community Coming Soon!

We are still making progress with Indaba on our new website and online community! With the new website, there will be some changes to our membership and programs. 

Once the new website is launched, you will need to register so that your membership continues to be active.

 If you are an OM member, a participant in our Guide/Traveler program, and/or a member of a Meetup Group, keep reading!

  • New Online Community: Once you receive your temporary username and password, you will need to register online and set up your profile. Once you have registered, you may search and connect with other members, participate in our programs, gain access to special events, participate in exclusive giveaways, access member discounts and perks, and more.

  • Meetup Groups ( will be moved to our online community. If you are currently a member of any of our Meetup Groups (Boulder, Hanover, Cincinnati), you will need to make sure to join your city's Meetup Group on our sweet new website. In addition, soon you (our members) will have an opportunity to suggest and create events!

  • New Connect Program (formerly Guide/Traveler Program) will allow you to search our online community and connect one-on-one with other members on your own terms. If you are currently participating in the Guide/Traveler program, you will need to make sure that you connect with members you've already been matched with. Also, by searching member profiles in the OM online community, you will be able to create new connections based on your own individual expectations and interests. We will provide the tools to help you connect online to get offline and into the outdoors.

Soon we will be announcing our launch date. In the meantime, make sure you are following us on Facebook and Twitter for updates! 

We want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the OM community or would like to provide a testimonial about your OM experience, email us at:



NEW Member Highlight - Meet Alyssa!


OM adds Myers as the new Community & Programs Manager