Great Expectations

As of today, I am 7 months pregnant. Pregnancy has been great - aside from the normal side effects like morning sickness and mood swings - and it has been an experience unlike any other. It is amazing to take care of myself with purpose and feel the resulting human being growing inside of me. I often think of all the possibilities for my son and it is fun to imagine what he will look like, what he will be interested in, and the adult that he will become. Unfortunately, it is also terrifying to anticipate and prepare for the possibilities like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, autism, and a whole host of other potential neurological challenges that infants may face.

The prospect of having a child born with any neurological disorder is scary, and being associated with an organization like Outdoor Mindset has made me realize why it is so important to have a strong community of support. It is invaluable to have the perspective of someone that has shared the same fears and been through all the ups and downs that go along even with a healthy pregnancy. I continue imagining all the great things my new son and my growing family will do, and I know that we will continue to have the support that we have been blessed with so far. Although Outdoor Mindset connects people during challenging times, we also celebrate the connections we have during the most joyous times. This is what we wish for all of our guides, travellers, supporters, employees, friends, and family. I am excited to bring a new life into the world because he will be greeted by unparalled love and support. I know that this support will be magnified as we approach any challenges that we are sure to face.

On the Right Track


Heads up doc, Iā€™m ready to go!