The Adventure Scholarship supports our mission to enhance quality of life, get outside and live big!
Adventure Scholarship
We may dream of climbing that special peak, travelling to that amazing place and living that once in a lifetime experience. These experiences bring strangers together and friends closer, with memories and feelings that will be shared for the rest of their lives. It is at these precise moments when you take a deep breath and say, “this is what life is all about”!
Outdoor Mindset thrives on those moments and understands that the impact these extraordinary experiences have on our health and wellbeing is priceless! Perhaps we can help provide the funding for you and a friend to get closer to experiencing a special peak, an amazing place and a once in a lifetime experience – an item on your bucket list that you have always wanted to complete.
With that said, we are excited to introduce the Outdoor Mindset Adventure Scholarship!
The details
OM will be awarding at least one Adventure Scholarship per quarter
OM will be awarding at least $500 per Adventure Scholarship
Applicants must be part of the OM Community
The scholarship will be awarded by the Board of Directors
The scholarship must be used for an outdoor activity with at least one other OM member
OM will facilitate the payment of the adventure with a visa gift card
A recap report must be submitted by the awarded OM Member within 90 days of the adventure, along with a detailed breakout of how funds were spent (providing receipts)
The OM scholarship awardee will be required to write a blog about their adventure (or allow OM to craft a blog based on the recap info provided)
Most importantly, the scholarship awardee(s) must have a wonderful time!!!!
The process
Join the Outdoor Mindset Community. It’s free!
Completely fill out the Adventure Scholarship Application below
If awarded a scholarship, read and sign the Scholarship Agreement.
Live Big, and go on the adventure of a lifetime!