Outdoor Mindset Outdoor Mindset

Golfing with Stephen

My golf season was fun and healthy. Early in the season, I taught myself yoga for golfers. These exercises helped three common problem areas: the back, shoulders, and knees. Some yoga poses to improve my golf game include the pigeon pose, bird dog, down dog, chair pose, warrior 2, triangle pose, bridge, boat pose, and reclined twist. This warmup helped my game and my mental health. After the yoga stretches, I would visualize the perfect golf game. After this, I would practice for 30 minutes on the putting green.

Included are some pictures of the putting green practice. Now I'm ready to play a round of golf. Most of the time, I would play nine holes of golf. I would always walk the nine holes, pushing my golf cart. This exercise was very healthy for me physically and mentally. Nine holes of play would give me over 10,000 steps walking. If I made a putt on the first try, I would consider it a whole in-one, LOL. Thank you so much for the scholarship

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